After thinking about it, I am becoming The World’s (Second) Most Interesting Man. I didn’t plan it that way, but that is what seems to be happening. And the more things I start to do, the more it gives rise to still more things.
I have so many hobbies and things going on now that I have to keep a list just to keep track. Here are a few – all under the rubric of The Bruce Projects. Yes, my real name is Bruce and it is probably not that hard for you to find out my real name if you are so inclined.
Now that I am a – young – 65 years old I am trying out all sorts of things. I certainly don’t want to be some Old Guy. Not me. So I am doing everything I never did before. Some of these are included
Ripped at 65 – my goal is to get ripped during my 65th year of life. Full disclosure – I have never been ripped before.
Philosophy – I just launched The Bruce Philosophical Project. I hope this will be my life’s crown jewel. As I get better with social media, you will be able to see this on Facebook, Threads, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and maybe even TikTok.
Singing Lessons – this is so people will stop making fun of me when I sing. And I really like to sing – especially silly songs I have written – and sometimes with a scotch or two.
Poetry – I really love writing poems, and I have written quite a few – a poetry slam and a poetry book I hope will follow at some point.
Stand-up Comedy – because I am facing my fear of doing this. Will I be funny and will people laugh? Well the first time they didn’t since I totally bombed – learning why it is called “dying out there.”
Fiction Writing – Faythe of North HInkapee is only my first book as I have caught the writing bug. I have a bunch of others in mind when I can carve out time for more writing. Carlos Ruiz Zafon – a fantastic writer — says you should only become a writer “if the possibility of not becoming one would kill you…I became a writer, a teller of tales, because otherwise I would have died or worse.” I now know how Mr. Zafon feels.
My Single Malt Scotch Collection – I have over 300 different bottles of single malt scotch on my office window in NYC. I think it might be the (second) largest collection in NYC. My wife says it doesn’t make a good impression my clients, but much as I love her, she don’t know everything!
Ironman – I am pretty poor athlete I admit, but I did survive successfully two Ironman competitions – Lake Placid, New York and Kona, Hawaii. For those who don’t know, it is a 2.4 mile swim, then a 112 mile bike followed by a full 26.2 mile marathon. A long (horrible) day. I didn’t do that well but I did get over the finish lines. Sorry to brag but I brag about this whenever anyone will let me.
Real Estate Industry Thought Leader – I hate the words thought leader, since people should think for themselves, but I am famous in the real estate industry as The Real Estate Philosopher.
Non-Fiction Writing – I wrote two books now. One is a book on Power Niches and the other is based on The Real Estate Philosopher’s writings. I have ideas for more when I can carve out some time.
Real Estate Lawyer – oh yes, my day job where I am one of the most well-known real estate lawyers in New York City. The heart of my success has been my desire to help my clients on the business side with building their businesses, which I do without charge.
A Good Person – I know I sound dorky here, but I love people and I try to be good to those I interact with. I love my family and my friends, and even people I meet on the street. I have all sorts of friends from Starbucks, for example. I like to help people. I like to mentor people. I like all of this so much that I am sometimes plain old annoying and have to hold myself back to avoid resentment.
So I can say that life really begins when you turn sixty-five! Instead of being labeled as some Old Guy, I am determined to have the greatest of times during this next phase of his life. I still love my day job, but I want to do just about everything I haven’t done yet, with the exception of things that are physically dangerous, as I know I am kind of a klutz.
You know, there is a lot more, and when The Bruce Projects gets going you can go to my website to learn more about it, but I am concerned that this blog article is getting too long, so I will stop here.